Top 7 Reason For Refusal of Your Australian Study Visa
- Posted by Edwise Foundation
- Categories Australia
- Date September 5, 2019
Australia has become one of the favorite destinations for Nepalese students to pursue their higher education. Every year thousands of Nepalese students apply, but not everyone gets successful in acquiring their student visa for Australia. The reasons may vary from case to case; several factors come into foreplay leading the refusal.
Australian Student Visa Rejection Reasons
1. Inadequate or incorrect information
When applying for a student visa, you are going to have to submit a lot of documents. It is very important to provide correct and up to date information. Some people include information that is not quite accurate; unfortunately some even provide counterfeit documents.
Majority of times, lack proper guidance leads to insufficient documentation resulting negative outcome. If the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs finds out that the information provided is not correct, such an application will likely be denied and charged for visa fraud.
Also read; Chances of Getting an Australian Student Visa After Refusal
2. Unsatisfactory financial evidence
As per the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs, any one applying for student visa should be able to finance his/her studies in Australia.
Your visa application might be rejected because of your inability to provide evidence of the claims that you have made in your financial documents. You need to demonstrate your financial stability by providing a bank statement or educational loan documents. The bank documents must indicate:
- Availability of sufficient funds to pay the tuition fee for the first year
- Travel expenses required for coming to Australia and to travel within Australia
- Cost of living in Australia for a year and
- Cost of your Overseas Student Health Cover
3. Enrolment in an unrelated program
If you want to study in Australia, you must be fully aware of the course program in which you are applying.
Certainly, there is a chance of visa refusal if you apply for a program which is completely unrelated to your previous qualification or indicates a major career change. You need to make a concrete plan and apply for the degree program according to it.
4. Failure to meet health requirements
Medical clearance is essential to get any visa for Australia. Few medical examinations and x-rays will be conducted by the specified panel of doctors to check whether you meet the health requirements or not.
Department of Home Affairs generally asks you to get tested for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis before the visas are issued.
Read: Australia Student Visa Requirements
5. Failure to meet genuine temporary entrant requirement
The Australian high commission evaluates your student visa application based on certain benchmarks tagged under the title “Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirements”. Student visa applications who does not fulfill with any of the GTE requirements are rejected.
GTE Requirements checks the following:
- Your circumstance in home country and foreseeable circumstance in Australia
- The level of study and course chosen and how it shapes up with your chosen career
- Your immigration history
Usually, you are asked to provide a statement of purpose related to the application of student visa. The Australian High Commission will weigh the points mentioned in the Statement of Purpose with the GTE requirements either via a telephonic interview or by detailed self-assessment.
If the statement of purpose does not align with the GTE requirements, your student visa application can be rejected.
6. Interview rejection
Sometimes the interview session with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection also results in visa refusal.
This happens when the student, who appeared for the interview, did not answer the questions honestly and was not able to produce satisfactory answers for the reasons of study in Australia. It is essential to answer all the questions honestly and accurately meeting the requirements during the interview.
7. Lack of professional guidance
Being denied for a student visa is certainly a disappointing situation. One of the best ways to avoid such problem is to speak and get support from qualified professionals. A professional guidance is essential to assure there is no error in your process to enhance your chance of getting the visa.
All that being said, If you want to study in Australia, you can take professional guidance and assistance from us and understand more about Australian Student Visa Rejection.
With more than 14 years of experience in assisting students seeking abroad education, Edwise Foundation is one of the best Australian consultancy in Kathmandu, Nepal. Our team of expert consultants will provide you with the right assistance to avoid all the reasons that can lead to your visa refusal.

Dreaming of Studying In Australia? Take the First Step with a FREE Consultation!
Edwise Foundation is your dedicated abroad education partner. We are more than an education consultancy; we're your route to international education. We have a long history of guiding ambitious young minds. Our extensive experience in counseling abroad studies and smooth application processing makes it easier for students to achieve their academic goals.
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