IELTS Preparation Tips for Scoring High in 2025
Unlock success with expert IELTS preparation tips! Score high with proven strategies for mastering the exam. Your path to IELTS excellence starts here.
How can I prepare for IELTS at home?
It is crucial that a candidate willing to sit for IELTS test but wishes to prepare at home needs to consider a few things:
- Become familiar with the test format such as Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
- Familiarise with the question types by going through IELTS books such as Cambridge Volumes 1 to 15. These can be downloaded from the internet, or purchased from the bookstores or even ordered online.
- Once you are accustomed to the question types and methods to work your test out, practice the sample tests given in the books or search free practice tests online. This helps you to build up confidence in handling the test.
- To strengthen your confidence, take into account joining a preparation class. Once you are ready, book for a test at the nearest IELTS Testing Centre run by British Council or IDP Australia.
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What are the IELTS preparation materials?

Ample practice materials are available online that can be either downloaded or practised online. However, consultancies like Edwise Foundation has a library well equipped with the latest books available in the market. Students can use the library during the opening hours.
How can I get 8.0+ in IELTS?
Some of the strategies can be applied to achieve a band 8.0 in IELTS:
- Unless you put effort and work for it, only tips and tricks or assurances won’t help you.
- Make it a habit to listen to English every day. You can do that by listening to English programmes like BBC World Service, or listening to podcasts, or listening to TED talk shows while you are sitting idle.
- Listen actively. In doing so, you get exposed to a variety of topics and a range of speakers. This improves your listening a lot and handling the listening section of IELTS is as easy as ABC.
- Strategy is something that a candidate requires in order to tackle the question types in the listening test. Each question type demands a different strategy and this can be developed on your own as you practice or can be gained by joining IELTS preparation course.
How to score 8.0+ in IELTS Reading
For a candidate to score 8.0+ on Reading section of IELTS
- Manage your time as you are allocated 20 minutes per passage to tackle between 12 – 14 questions. Unless you learn to clock yourself and adhere to work out each passage in 20 minutes, you cannot perform well in the test.
- Reading the instructions carefully before answering the given questions can save you from losing marks since you didn’t follow the instructions.
- Never panic as this inhibits your concentration and confidence. Since there are some easy and some difficult questions, focus on and solve the easier questions and work them out first. You can come back to the ones that you left and work them out. This saves you from not attempting all or most of the answers.
Remember that Reading consists of synonyms, so you need to have a good range of vocabulary in order to tackle the passage and the questions.
- Don’t expect to understand every word. Instead skip words that are not familiar to you. For example, in a sentence like ‘ ……. rockets were used sporadically for several hundred years…..’, the word “sporadically” has nothing to do with the meaning of the sentence nor has it any role with the answer to the given question.
How to score 8.0+ in IELTS WRITING
- Addressing all parts of the question is crucial for a high score.
- You need to show that you can express ideas using a variety of sentence structures in both active and passive forms. The sentences can be simple, compound and complex. But, priority is given to complex structures, yet be careful in using punctuation correctly.
- You need to show that you can use synonyms (either words or phrases) instead of repeating the same word(s).
- Use of cohesive devices to make the examiner understand how you have put the ideas and how easy it is to follow your ideas helps in achieving high score in writing.
- Planning your writing before you write assists you in presenting your ideas comfortably without wasting time on thinking what next idea should you write. This implies that you can finish your writing well ahead of the stipulated time leaving you sufficient time to make corrections.
- Your writing should be readable or legible that is the word/ letter should be clear to the reader. Also, you writing should be neat and tidy.
How to score 8.0+ in IELTS SPEAKING
To get a good score in the speaking section :
- Use English in your conversation everyday. This develops confidence and fluency.
- Practise by recording your answers and listening to them. This helps you understand how good your response is and how best you can express your ideas at ease.
- If you don’t understand a word in the question, you can ask the examiner to explain the word for you. Also, if you didn’t understand the question, it is alright to ask for explanation by asking “ I didn’t quite get the question, could you please elaborate the question for me?”
- Do not give too short answers and don’t just say, “Yes” or “No”. Elaborate your answer by giving a reason or two and give examples to support your idea.
- Though it is permissible to make corrections if you make any errors, frequent correction can affect your scores. Therefore, try not to correct yourself all the time.
How long would it take to prepare for IELTS?
Although it is suggested that the preparation for IELTS is six weeks, some of the candidates might prepare in less than six weeks, while others might take more than the stipulated time. Once you are ready, you need at least a month to practise rigorously before sitting for the actual test.
Yet, it depends on how quickly one can develop confidence and understand the little subtleties to ace the test with good scores. Additionally, the efforts a candidate puts in practising the test can be a tool too.
What are the benefits of joining online IELTS at Edwise Foundation?
Obviously, when a candidate decides to join online IELTS, they have an upper hand in almost every way. First, they save travel time and travel expenses. Second, they get the same feeling as they would if they joined real ( physical) class. They can interact with the tutor as well as their friends.
In case they miss any sessions, they can get recorded session of the day, which otherwise would not be the case in physical classes as they may have to wait until the missed part gets repeated.

What is the best way to prepare for IELTS test?
Among various ways to prepare for IELTS test such as self preparation, taking preparation classes, preparing with the help of various YouTube channels or taking tips from friends, the best means is to go for the preparation classes so that any problems related to handling a particular question can be sorted out with the tutor. This certainly would boost up the confidence in cracking the test easily.
Is IELTS a difficult test?
Difficulty of IELTS solely depends on the English level of the student. A student who has basic level of English will find IELTS a hard nut to crack, while a student with intermediate or advanced level of English will ace the test obtaining a good score with the right guidance that can be obtained from trained and experienced instructors.
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What should I know before taking the test?
The first thing you should know your level of English by taking an IELTS test. Then you can find out if you are ready to take the real test. If you feel you are not ready, you need to look for the best IELTS institute in Kathmandu to help your with your preparation.
Second, look for a good institute like Edwise Foundation to get the best guidance on boosting up your confidence in tackling the test and achieve the score you wish. You should allow yourself ample time to prepare and practise before you sit for the real IELTS test. You should also possess your passport as you require it to take the test.
Also read: IELTS preparation in Kathmandu