Edwise Foundation would be a feasible agency for you if you are planning to increase Nepalese student enrolment and global engagement activities.

Despite the poorest economy, Nepal has recently become one of the major source countries to send students in the USA, Australia and a few others. Our recruitment efforts are geared towards reaching out to students who are financially viable and academically well set up.

We Follow Global Standards

We follow global standards in advising and recruiting services as endorsed by AIRC – American International Recruitment Council. We also comply with follow NAFSA Statement of Ethical Practices.

We follow global standards
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Highly Qualified, Experienced Advisors

Our Advisors are extremely competent in terms of understanding the education system in the USA and other countries (Australia and Canada), who have pursued their academic and professional careers in these countries. They also hold professional qualifications like USATC, QEAC, CCEA and others. We promote your programs via advertisements and colleges/university visits to attract quality but right-fit clients. We also organize student sessions, college/university visit and fairs on a regular basis.